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Application Form

Select an item (₪)

Early Bird (until 30.11.2021) - ₪220

Early Bird Students (until 30.11.2021) - ₪110

Standard (until 07.02.2022) -₪300

Standard Students (until 07.02.2022) -₪185


The Liebling Haus – The White City Center reserves the right to review (or allow others to review on our behalf) your entry for its appropriateness on the grounds of compliance with the terms and conditions. We reserve the right, without notice, to eliminate any entry we consider inappropriate.
The applicants are entirely responsible for the content of their entries, which we may publish on the Liebling Haus website as well as in the exhibition at Liebling Haus. Accordingly, you declare that:

  • You are the sole author of your entry and that its submission will not infringe the rights of others;

  • Your entry is your original work and is not copied wholly or substantially from any other work or material;

  • You own all intellectual property rights (including copyright) in and to the material or content of your entry, and have the full right to submit such material to us and to grant the rights granted to us hereunder;

  • Your entry must not be in any form defamatory, obscene, or unlawful;

  • You have obtained the express consent of any person that may be visually identifiable in your entry.

You agree to allow the Liebling Haus – The White City Center in a coordinated effort to use materials of your entry in any manner (including, without limitation, to copy, display, transmit, make derivative works of or distribute the same), in any media and without compensation, including for purposes of review and judgment and for promotional purposes with the naming of the author. 



All information provided will and must be written in English. All submissions must be uploaded via the Liebling website upload panel. Presentation boards must not indicate any information related to an individual's/team's identity. Access information and instructions on how to upload the presentation board will be issued to participants via e-mail immediately after a successful registration.

Thanks for your application!

שעות פעילות

  • א עד ה בשעות 8:00–19:00

  • שישי 8:00–14:00

  • שבת 9:00–15:00

הכניסה חופשית



אורחי בית ליבלינג זכאים להנחה של 75% בחניון בצלאל הסמוך. ההטבה הינה יומית ותקפה לשעות פעילות החניון 8:00-24:00. אנא הקפידו להגיע עם שובר החניה לקבלה של בית ליבלינג ולקבל מדבקת הנחה בטרם העזיבה.

צרו קשר

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TLVF logo.png

שיתוף פעולה ישראלי־גרמני
מינהל קהילה, תרבות וספורט | אגף התרבות והאמנויות

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