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תמונה של הכניסה לבית ליבלינג

Join Us

We invite you to join the circle of friends and partners of the Liebling Haus - The White City Center, and contribute to its activities and development, as a unique heritage site, which conducts cultural-artistic, educational and community activities for the public, professionals, students, artists, researchers and tourists.


The Liebling Haus - White City Center is a multidisciplinary conservation, architecture, and urbanism project dedicated to modern architecture and the White City. Alongside contemporary and historical exhibitions, the Center’s activities include seminars, workshops, guided tours, and other public events.


Joining our Israeli-German network and offering theoretical and financial support is an opportunity to take an active part in protecting and promoting Tel Aviv’s extraordinary legacy through the exchange of knowledge among architects, urban planners, developers, artists, craftspeople, and students, and enable our ongoing work.

You can contribute directly to the following projects and activities:

  • The educational program ("Living in the City", "Olympus" program, classroom visits to  the Liebling Haus and more) 

  • Training and professional craft workshops (Spring Workshops) 

  • Research Lab: Scholarship donations to researchers in the fields of architecture, city planning, conservation and more. 

  • Exhibitions, artistic and creative projects

  • The Residency Program - "The Apartment"

  • Guided urban tours of the city of Tel Aviv from a modernist perspective

  • General support for the development of innovative programs, infrastructure development, strategic development, expansion of operations and more. 

  • "Naming": an option to dedicate an exhibition or project in memory of a person you hold dear, to commemorate him/her.

Join us and enjoy various exclusive benefits

Access to the Liebling House archive which contains professional books and study materials, the opportunity to use diverse work and creative spaces, to hold artistic events and other initiatives throughout the year.

שעות פעילות

  • א עד ה בשעות 8:00–19:00

  • שישי 8:00–14:00

  • שבת 9:00–15:00

הכניסה חופשית



אורחי בית ליבלינג זכאים להנחה של 75% בחניון בצלאל הסמוך. ההטבה הינה יומית ותקפה לשעות פעילות החניון 8:00-24:00. אנא הקפידו להגיע עם שובר החניה לקבלה של בית ליבלינג ולקבל מדבקת הנחה בטרם העזיבה.

צרו קשר

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שיתוף פעולה ישראלי־גרמני
מינהל קהילה, תרבות וספורט | אגף התרבות והאמנויות

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