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From the Research Lab: How a Building Tells a Story
From the Research Lab: How a Building Tells a Story

Mon, Apr 26


Zoom, Facebook Live

From the Research Lab: How a Building Tells a Story

This event will focus on the diverse strategies of displaying iconic modernist architecture around the world

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זמן ומיקום

Apr 26, 2021, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT+3

Zoom, Facebook Live

פרטי האירוע

How do you tell the story of a building? How do you bring the spirit of the place to life? From the Glass house of Philip Johnson in the USA to the Louis Carré house of Alvar Alto in France. This event will focus on the diverse strategies of displaying iconic modernist architecture around the world.

We review how such buildings were traditionally presented to the public, usually by focusing mainly on their outstanding physical attributes. The discussion explores contemporary approaches to curating art exhibitions within these unique settings, offering visitors engaging experiences that enhance the hosting spaces.

Participants: Natascha Drabbe, Executive Director & Founder of the Iconic Houses Network at the Van Schijndel House (The Netherlands); Hilary Lewis, Chief Curator & Creative Director of the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Glass House site, former home of its architect, Philip Johnson (US); and Ásdís Ólafsdóttir, Director of Maison Louis Carré designed by Alvar Aalto (France).

Photo: Michael Biondo courtesy of The Glass House


שעות פעילות

  • א עד ה בשעות 8:00–19:00

  • שישי 8:00–14:00

  • שבת 9:00–14:00

הכניסה חופשית



אורחי בית ליבלינג זכאים להנחה של 75% בחניון בצלאל הסמוך. ההטבה הינה יומית ותקפה לשעות פעילות החניון 8:00-24:00. אנא הקפידו להגיע עם שובר החניה לקבלה של בית ליבלינג ולקבל מדבקת הנחה בטרם העזיבה.

צרו קשר

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