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Mon, Oct 05


Online lecture

From the Research Lab: Women Architects First - Who was Gertrude Goldschmidt?

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זמן ומיקום

Oct 05, 2020, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT+3

Online lecture

פרטי האירוע

Sharon Golan-Yaron, the Liebling Haus’ content director, and Dr. Sigal Davidi talk about the first women architects in Israel. Dr. Davidi focuses on Gertrude Goldschmidt, one of the pioneers of modernist architecture, who immigrated to Israel in 1924. Despite being the second woman architect in the country, she has been erased from history, and some of her professional achievements are attributed to other architects. In the lecture, Dr. Davidi will present Goldschmidt’s pioneering work and how Zionist ideas and cultural and gender aspects influenced her professional development and architecture. Dr. Sigal Davidi is an architect and historian focused on studying local modernist architecture during the British Mandate and its connection to gender. Her research has won her various awards and scholarships at leading universities worldwide. Her book, Building a New Land: Women Architects and Women’s Organizations during the British Mandate, will be published next month by the Open University Press.-----


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שעות פעילות

  • א עד ה בשעות 8:00–19:00

  • שישי 8:00–14:00

  • שבת 9:00–15:00

הכניסה חופשית



אורחי בית ליבלינג זכאים להנחה של 75% בחניון בצלאל הסמוך. ההטבה הינה יומית ותקפה לשעות פעילות החניון 8:00-24:00. אנא הקפידו להגיע עם שובר החניה לקבלה של בית ליבלינג ולקבל מדבקת הנחה בטרם העזיבה.

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