An Israeli-German Cooperation

International Architecture idea Competition
Layer 2.0
Extension on a modernist Building in Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Prize fund total 25,000 €
Registration start 18 of October 2021
Submission of applicants: January 2022
Judgement: February 2022

Competition Introduction
In the 21st century, most metropolitan areas are characterized by dense construction. Considering both the forecasts of population growth and the limited land reserves, future urban renewal projects will inevitably involve new building additions above existing structures, creating a new urban layer. Tel Aviv-Jaffa is inadvertently becoming a living lab, where new construction integrates with the conservation of the UNESCO listed heritage zone, located in the heart of the city.
We invite planners to re-examine alternatives and best practices for innovative, creative, and original building additions on top of the modernist buildings of the 30’. The competition also invites to explore how to plan new building additions while referencing current issues of communal solidarity and sustainability.
The task is to design a concept for a building addition in Tel Aviv Yafo, the addition will consist of 2.5 floors on top of a listed building. The design itself should refer to the original building and its surrounding block and urban landscape. No minimum size or number of residential units per block is defined. The proposals should be flexible enough to adapt in different sizes with different inhabitant capacity requirements.
The Buildings
You can choose one of the following buildings for the competition
As part of the competition we offer a range of related professional lectures guiding the participants in their work. The lectures will live at the Liebling Haus and open to the public via webinars and recorded for later viewing.
Join us for the Kick-off symposium on 18 October 2021.
Introduction to conservation in Tel Aviv-Yafo
The Conservation management plan of Tel Aviv - by Dr.Jeremie Hoffmann head of the Tel Aviv - Yafo conservation dept.
Layer 2.0
Building addition in Tel Aviv- Yafo - a research by Arch. Amir Peleg, Tel Aviv University
Save The Date!
Registration start
18 of October 2021
Submission of applicants
January 2022
February 2022
Stay tuned for more information prior to the application date
Competition is open to architects and architectural students in two different tracks. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams. Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English; All information submitted by participants must be in English.
The winning designs will receive a share of the prize fund as well as media coverage. Selected projects will be displayed in a dedicated exhibition at the Liebling Haus including an exposure in the building additions catalog – a printed publication dedicated to the competition.